Baseline study of beneficiaries of "Increase of Small Farmers Access to Market" Project
- Sector:Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
- Services: Monitoring and evaluation
- Period: April 23, 2007-July 16, 2007
- Description:
The main purpose of the study was the achievement of better understanding of poverty context in communities of “Increase of Small Farmers Access to Market” (ISFAM) Project implementation, and engagement of so called "Least OK" representatives of selected communities in the ISFAM Project. Implementation of the baseline study allowed the Project responsible implementers at local (“Kapan Small Farmers’ Association” (KSFA)) and central (OXFAM) levels to fix the current situation and set the comparison basis for further intermediary studies on Project results and completion (impact) assessments.
The following specific activities were scheduled for the implementation of the assignment:
- Desk research of existing secondary information;
- Beneficiaries' survey: Face to face interviews with 120 beneficiaries of ISFAM Project in 15 communities of Syunik Marz Kapan sub-region;
- Stakeholders' survey: Face to face interviews with Project responsible implementers;
- Focus group discussions with Project beneficiaries (mainly who did not participate the survey);
- Summarization, digitalization and analysis of collected data;
- Report drafting.
The study was conducted in strict accordance with requirements of the Client and Terms of Reference. All scheduled activities were successfully accomplished. In particular, the study addressed following aspects of the ISFAM Project:
- Beneficiaries profile, including demographic distribution and education, and family members;
- Business and employment, including employment intensiveness and types, availability of agricultural assets and infrastructure;
- Awareness of and participation in ISFAM Project, including membership to KSFA and participation, awareness of KSFA assistance activities and actual support received;
- Poverty related issues, including analysis of poverty reasons;
- Analysis of income generation in households of beneficiaries, and other.
Results of the study were analysed and combined in final report and presented to KSFA and OXFAM representatives.