Ongoing projects
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the Fourth Public Sector Modernization Project
- USAID "Rural Economic Development - New Economic Opportunities" (RED-NEO) Program implementation
- "Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Mountainous Armenia" (SIGMA) Program implementation
- Public services responsive to citizens' needs and community development initiatives within the "Local Self-Government and Decentralization Reforms" Program
- Consultant for assistance in localizing methodology and methodological guidance developed by international experts and training support
- Consultancy service for World Bank Armenia under "Customs Administration Development" (CAD) II Project
- Review and analysis of Territorial and Administrative Reform in Armenia (TARA): Benefits, Effects, and Promises for Future Reforms
New support project for vulnerable households The “Window 1 - Diversification and Food Security” Project (DFSP) component of the...Read more...
Public presentation of the results of the Survey on comprehension of economic competition Public presentation of the results of the "Sociological survey on comprehension of economic...Read more...
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