A new financial product in the Armenian financial market
A new financial product was designed within “Infrastructure and Rural Finance Support” (IRFS) Programme implemented by “Rural Areas Economic Development” (RAED) PIU State Agency of the Republic of Armenia Government Staff and soon will be offered to the financial market for which there is no precedent in Armenia. The new financial product consists of credit and grant components. It is envisaged for farmers of 16 settlements of IRFS Programme 3 target marzes (Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Syunik) that are engaged in horticulture, dried food production, beekeeping, cold storage or greenhouse operation. The new combined financial product has been designed by the experts’ team of AM Partners Consulting Company led by the company's managing partner Vahe Mambreyan.
On May 17, 2018 at the office of RAED PIU we submitted the combined financial product to the stakeholders - the administration of RAED PIU, representatives of the financial institutions (banks and credit organizations), and farmers. The combined financial product was presented by Vahe Mambreyan. He introduced the financing terms: beneficiaries' eligibility criteria, financing limits, interest rates, financing directions, eligible costs and investments at the expense of loan and grant financing, etc. In the next 1-2 months, this financial productwill be offered at the Armenian financial market after some preparatory works.