Presentation of the roadmap for expansion of the FVSCs
Presentation of the roadmap for expansion of the Farm and Veterinary Service Centers (FVSC) established by the Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development (CARD) Foundation was held in Radisson Blu Hotel, Yerevan. AM Partners Consulting Company team developed the document in March-April 2017. The FVSCs expansion roadmap presentation intended to introduce the document to the staff of CARD Foundation, CARD Agroservice and the heads of FVSCs, since in the coming years CARD Foundation operations for the FVSCs network further expansion will be based on this document. The event was attended by the Director of CARD Foundation Gagik Sardaryan, the Director of AM Partners Consulting Company Vahe Mambreyan, the heads of CARD Foundation and CARD Agroservice structural subdivisions and FVSCs. The roadmap was presented by the Founder of AM Partners and Project Manager Vardan Aghbalyan.