"Rural Assets Creation" Programme impact assessment
- Sector:Public infrastructure
- Services: Monitoring and evaluation
- Period: May 19, 2016-July 05, 2016
- Description:
“Rural Assets Creation” (RACP) Programme is funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) Fund for International Development, the Government of Denmark, the Government of Armenia, financial institutions and RACP Programme beneficiaries. Total funds of RACP Programme amount to 52 mln USD and the implementation period is from 2011 to 2016. The Programme is implemented by “Rural Areas Economic Development” SA Project Implementation Unit (RAED PIU), Staff of the Government of Armenia.
The main goal of the RACP Programme is to improve the economic and social status of poor rural population in Armenia. To achieve its goals, the following interventions were implemented in 82 communities of 7 marzes (Aragatsotn, Gegharkunik, Lori, Shirak, Vayots Dzor, Tavush, Syunik) in Armenia:
- Support to Fruit and Nuts Sector, under which 85 ha fruit orchards (walnut, plum, peach, cherries, sweet cherries) were planted on lands owned by 121 farmers of 8 communities of 3 marzes in Armenia,
- Creation/Rehabilitation of Rural Infrastructures, under which the following was carried out:
- Natural gas supply for 14,873 households of 51 communities of 7 marzes in Armenia,
- Drinking water supply for 12,736 households of 26 communities of 6 marzes in Armenia,
- Irrigation water supply for 3,603 households of 14 communities of 3 marzes in Armenia,
- Solar and wastewater disposal systems for 6 communities of 4 marzes in Armenia.
More than 133,000 persons were affected by the direct impact of the RACP Programme.
In the scope of RACP Programme Impact Assessment, about 90 logframe indicators were calculated regarding the programme effectiveness, impact and sustainability. The information required for the calculation of the programme evaluation indicators were collected via two methods: a) collection of secondary data from official sources, b) collection of primary data through a quantitative survey conducted among the programme beneficiaries.
Secondary data were collected from a great number of sources, including RACP Programme documents (Programme Implementation Manual, Mission Reports), National Statistical Service, World Bank publications etc.
To collect the primary data, a quantitative survey was conducted among the RACP Programme beneficiaries. The sample size comprised 324 beneficiaries (heads of households). The sample included beneficiaries of all RACP interventions. Face-to-face interviews were held with them based on electronic questionnaires. To record the responses of the respondents, tablets linked via 3G to the electronic database located on SurveyMonkey platform were used. This method enabled to collect, verify, summarize and analyze a great number of data required for the RACP Programme Impact Assessment in a very short time frame - within a month.
For the analysis and presentation of the findings of RACP Programme Impact Assessment, our company for the first time used the method of digital mapping of data. It allows creating a visual link between the programme results and areas. GIS software was used for mapping out the data.
Based on the findings of RACP Programme Impact Assessment, a report was prepared, which apart from the survey findings, also includes assessment and recommendations about the implementation of the RACP Programme. The report was submitted to the RAED PIU and financing (donor) organizations.