USAID RED-NEO Program launch event
US Agency for International Development (USAID), the Center for Agribusiness & Rural Development (CARD), and partners marked the official launch of the new "Rural Economic Development - New Economic Opportunities" (RED-NEO) Program in Armenia. RED-NEO is a five-year program, launched February 15, 2019 and funded by the USAID. RED-NEO will be implemented by CARD with AM Partners Consulting Company, Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment NGO, and Hicks Burnham and Williams LLC.
U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Lynne M. Tracy, and representative of the Armenian Government delivered opening remarks at the kick-off event. Ambassador Tracy stressed the importance of rural economic and agriculture sector development to ensure broad based economic growth and regional development in Armenia. The project’s Chief of Party Susanna Khachatryan presented the goals and objectives of the project, which are designed to boost rural economic development in Armenia through RED-NEO Program.
The RED-NEO program will build upon current and previous projects, initiatives and activities that the government of Armenia, the U.S. government and USAID, and other donor and non-governmental organizations are implementing to address the economic challenges in rural Armenia.
RED-NEO activities will promote inclusive, sustainable economic security and economic growth by supporting at least 100 businesses in at least 60 communities. The program will accelerate the growth of small- and medium-sized enterprises (including farms and cooperatives) in the regions; facilitate market linkages between producers and buyers; and establish networks to promote local economic development. It will foster the development of a competitive agriculture sector by improving the performance of rural businesses and cooperatives, and their ability to meet quality standards.