Shikahogh Project started
Within the frame of the financial cooperation between the Governments of Germany and Armenia an agreement was concluded between German KfW Bank of Development and the RA Ministry of Nature Protection on the implementation of the Shikahogh Project directed to improvement of nature conservation situation and sustainable socio-economic development of adjacent communities. The total budget of the Project is 4 million Euros.
On February 9 2011 the Schools Contest and Award activity was launched by the Shikahogh Project Feasibility Study Team (consisted of E.C.O-Institute of Ecology (Austria), AHT-Group (Germany), AM Partners Consulting Company (Armenia) and BLCU NGO (Armenia)) in 5 communities adjacent to Shikahogh State Reserve (Chakaten, Shikahogh, Srashen, Tsav and Nerkin Hand). The theme of the drawing contest is the “Village of my Dreams”. Winners of the contest will be awarded by the implementers of the Project. The purpose of the activity is the awareness raising among local population especially among children and their parents about the Project and possibilities of the establishment of the Biosphere Reserve in the area.